Y'all It's the Price Is Right!
Have any of you wanted to go on a game show like The Price Is Right? Guess what, you can!
OKAY, it's not the real one, but it's as close as I'm going to get. It was the Price Is Right Live!
Hubby, Bear, and our friend, MaKenzie, and I went to a traveling game show version about an hour from our home. It was all just like the real show! They had the wheel, the showcase, and A BRAND NEW CAR!! COME ON DOWN!!!
What I learned from this experience is that people filmed on the real show must be prepped a head of time because in real life - not a lot of people are good at pricing things. LOL!
For instance, one lady had to price a normal size container of Crayola crayons in a caddy.
Her price....$65!
Good night lady, we also want to sell you some swamp land in Florida. The host (who was not Drew Carey, but Todd Newton - Bear is a fan - he hosted Family Game Night on TV) got so tickled that he said he had never in years of doing this said this before, but had to say,
'Lucy, there's no way in "BLEEP" that those crayons are $65. Try again.'
At this point our crew lost it and we were about in the floor laughing. The crayons, which "Lucy" (I forgot her real name already) thought were made of gold, were actually $15. Lucy then redeemed herself and guessed the next price dead on! But then blew the last one and did not win her prize. By the way, she also didn't hear her name being called to come on down and did not see it written on the two big screens on either side of the stage, so she had to be called down twice. It was just not Lucy's night.
One lady won a washer and dryer, one won $1000 cash, another lady blew a chance for a trip to Las Vegas, then we got down to the Showcase Showdown...This was it. They only had one prize package, and both contestants bid on the same thing. Whoever got closer without going over wins. Our whole group whispered and planned what our bid would be - around $21,000 for me, Hubby, and MaKenzie, $1,000,000 for Bear. He was pretty impressed with the Versa car and the 4 day trip to Hawaii. It also included a Mac computer, a grill and a smoker. Definitely a million dollars.
Both ladies bid around the $30,000 range. Actual price? $21,800. Both overbid, no winners. Must be Lucy's cousins. However in our minds, we all won big time (we'll just throw Bear in the winners circle) and actually on the real show, we would have won both showcases. We rocked it.
Which doesn't count at all if your name is not called. :) But so fun it's definitely worth the $40 ticket even if you don't get to come on down (they choose randomly from the audience if you are over 18). Numerous people from the audience were chosen to win gift cards throughout the night as well. They travel all over so you might want to check the schedule of cities at Price Is Right Live if you want a great family friendly event to attend (the one 'bleep' episode was the only risqué part of the night, haha).
And yes, they did play Plinko! That guy won about $350.
Sorry, my iPhone and I don't take good quality pics
If you make it to the show, don't forget your family's matching homemade T-shirts! Oopsie! We forgot! Listen closely for your name to come on down!
I'd love to see how many crayons you could buy for $65! :)
P.S., Ellie will be back next post, she is getting all ready for our Christmas decor post! I hope to give you a sneak peek of our master bedroom before the whole Christmas tour on December 5th!
Also, most importantly, a little note about MaKenzie...she is 19 and has suffered with Crohn's Disease since she was 9 years old. She has been hospitalized more times than I can count and sadly more than once the doctors didn't know if she would survive. Does she wallow in self pity? Does she live her life as if she is owed something? Nope. She continues to give back, encouraging others who also suffer from chronic illnesses and encouraging young women to maintain a positive body image. She recently set up a Facebook page where she is selling jewelry. One hundred percent of the profits are going to buy goodie bags for children who are in the hospital during the holidays. If you'd like to support MaKenzie and her cause, please visit Crafting For A Cause. Have a great week!