Introducing.....The Bear
I've been struggling on how to properly introduce The Bear. He's 10, and there's no description that fits this combo of blunt, wild and wonderful, other than maybe picture Jack Black meets Robin Williams with a dash of Charles Grodin all rolled into one child. There are so many stories I could tell but when I ran across this tribute I once wrote, I thought it may be the perfect way to give you a glimpse of a typical day of my life with The Bear.
I think you're going to like him...
Thank you, Mr. Policeman, for not arresting me in Kroger parking lot, when, to my horror, my Bear yelled to you, 'HELP! I DON'T KNOW THIS WOMAN!'
Thank you, Mr. Fireman and company, who raced to my house to put out the nonexistent fire that was exaggerated by my Bear bursting out of the front door in his pajamas screaming, 'OVER HERE! THE FIRE IS OVER HERE!' when I had simply burned the zucchini. No fire. Nope.
Thank you to my innocent friend, who never knew that my Bear had filled his water gun up from the toilet bowl when he shot you in the face, for your patience and apparently hardy immune system.
Thank you, elderly man in Kroger, (yes, a lot of things seem to happen at Kroger), for simply smiling at me in my time of exasperation when my Bear wouldn't listen. I thought you were flirting with me in a subtle way (because I am usually only hit on by the 70-80 age range these days, if at all) but actually you were probably politely thinking that you may need to call for the manager because in my frenzy I was putting all my groceries into your cart. Good times.
Thank you to the woman in your early 30s who has yet to figure out that your 'match' on is actually a 10 year old who has snuck onto the internet and created an account with some random guy's picture. We'll just keep it our little secret.
Lord, I pray that you give me reminders in my time of frustration with the Bear that one day I'll miss his antics. I pray for patience and the ability to see the humor in all situations. And that he always knows how much he is loved.
And peace, Lord.
Oh Lord, do I need a little peace.
❤️, Elizabeth