Christmas in the Master Bedroom!
Sooooo, the halls are decked with holly and I'm looking for some mistletoe to hang, but other than that, the Master Bedroom is finished.....
It's cozy and sparingly decorated because for Hubby and I, this is our retreat. No kid's stuff allowed. No clutter. It's the one room in the house that I can depend on to wake up and go to bed in peace.
Speaking of Hubby..while I show you the bedroom, I've GOT to tell you what he did. You remember that movie, Pretty Woman? I used to just swoon watching Julia Roberts being romanced by Richard Gere....this was my favorite movie for years until I grew up a little and realized my favorite movie was about a prostitute. Oopsie. So not me.
Anyhoo, so there's Hubby.
Y'all, Richard Gere can't hold a candle to him.
I know, how is this possible?
Let me tell you!
So we left church Sunday night driving separately (I was too lazy to come early for choir practice) and I had announced I was stopping in at Kroger before going home. Bear was with me...the Kroger employees know Bear and look forward to him stopping in because he's sooo wild and entertaining there. I've often said if I ever have a stroke, it'll be because I had Bear at Kroger.
Needless to say, as I parked I was dreading going in with my big list and dreading even more opening my car door out into the rain with no umbrella, no coat, no nothing.
I open the car door with a I waited for my hair to turn into a huge frizz ball, out of nowhere a large umbrella is held over me as I get out.
There, in the rain, stands my Hubby, holding the large umbrella above my head instead of over himself.
Swoon! My knight didn't want me out in the rain...or having a stroke in Kroger, so he stopped in to save me.
Y'all, it was the stuff out of movies. I felt like I should be wearing a gorgeous medieval dress as I pranced across that parking lot under my knight's protection.
And then, he got the majority of the groceries and pushed the cart!
I know, it's a dream come true. Sounds like no biggie, but I have a bad back, so it IS a big deal. I felt a little teary. Had he come home and completed the night with vacuuming, I don't think I could've handled it.
We got home, put Bear to bed and retreated to our bedroom, our little sanctuary.
It's where private conversations take place, it's where Hubby whispers sweet nothings in my ear and listens to my deepest fears and greatest victories.
Most of all it's the place for resolution and rest. We try our best to follow Ephesias 4:26 - Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry.
We are pretty good at this, especially after a night like that... I mean, how could I ever be angry with my knight with the umbrella who pushes the cart? Well, there is this one thing...
A couple of weeks ago, Knight 'accidentally' cancelled HGTV.
Oh, no he didn't!
Oh, YES HE DID! And Fixer Upper just started the new season.
He's claiming he had no idea it was in the group of channels he cancelled. Good thing I adore that guy, seeing how he's my hero and all.
He gets several free passes after the umbrella move. That was classic. I still get a little misty about it, so all is forgiven. Now, if I could just figure out the girl version of that move so he'd forget about the Christmas shopping budget.
Let me know your ideas... :)
Now go snuggle with your knight.
Or your Ellie.
Or, make me jealous, snuggle and watch your HGTV.
Mr. Kroger Bandit asked his mom for a pot belly pig for Christmas...I must draw the line at this point. He's also just pretending to be asleep.